Friday, January 15, 2010

Time for a Miracle

One year ago today a miracle occurred on the Hudson River. As much as I hate being cheesy, I'm seriously flabbergasted when I think about the fact that everyone survived. What are the chances that this happened in New York City- one of the greatest cities in the world? It could have happened somewhere in Europe or Alaska, but no, New York.
I watched a TLC special two nights ago where they talked with the pilot Captain Chesley Sullenberger and passengers and I sobbed like a baby the entire time. haha, who knows why. I guess in some strange way I see this as a testament that the Lord's hand is in everything. For some reason he decided that these folks were going to escape incredible odds at death and live to change the world. I highly recommend looking into the TLC special.
What an inspired man!


Amy said...

It's a pretty amazing story to say the least! I cry over things like that too, don't worry.

Hey, remember when that duck picture in the magazine made you cry. I love that story.

Karla said...

I believe in miracles

Anonymous said...

It's definitely a very direct way of seeing the Lord's hand in our lives. It really is a miracle, JUST like the loves and the fishes, I agree with you.